Embarking upon an odyssey fraught with the trials and tribulations of war, the anguish of heartbreak, and financial conquest, this singular woman's expedition unfolds as a profound testament to the resilience of the human spirit. With unwavering determination as her compass, she navigates through the treacherous landscapes of conflict and emotional turmoil, emerging from the crucible of adversity as a triumphant embodiment of strength and tenacity, her flag of financial independence held high amidst the winds of destiny.
Author: Madiha Hinawy-Tubman
Publisher: Oxford Book Writers
Published: 08/09/2023
Pages: 98
Binding Type: Hardcover
Weight: 0.77lbs
Size: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.44d
ISBN13: 9781088287712
ISBN10: 1088287719
BISAC Categories:
- Body, Mind & Spirit | Inspiration & Personal Growth
- Self-Help | Personal Growth | Happiness
- Self-Help | Personal Growth | Self-Esteem